Startseite ‎Graduiertenkolleg 2196

David Herbison


GRK 2196 / Sekretariat Mittelalterliche Geschichte
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Gaußstr. 20
42119 Wuppertal



As it is Copied: Textual Transmission of the New Testament Quotations of the Old Testament in Codex Washingtonianus

My dissertation project consists of a text-critical analysis of Codex Washingtonianus (Freer Gospels Codex; W032), a Greek manuscript of the four canonical Gospels variously dated to the 4th-6th centuries. Within the discipline of New Testament textual criticism, the idiosyncrasies of this codex are well known, including the unusual order of books (Matthew, John, Luke, Mark), sudden shifts between different streams of textual tradition (“block mixture”), as well as the presence of a number of unique readings. Some of these unique readings occur within this codex’s Old Testament quotations, thus calling for further research into their textual transmission. Therefore, my research examines the textual and paratextual features of this manuscript in order to discern the scribe’s habits with regard to these Old Testament quotations. This analysis seeks to determine to what extent the scribe understood that these portions of text were quotations, and in what ways this knowledge may have influenced the scribe’s approach to making this copy.


  • 2007–2009: Pepperdine University (Malibu, CA, USA), Religion major
  • 2009–2011: B.A. Biblical Languages, Lipscomb University (Nashville, TN, USA)
  • 2013–2015: M.A. Biblical Studies, Trinity Western University (Vancouver, B.C., Canada)
  • Thesis Title: Reconstructing the Text of the Church: The “Canonical Text” and the Goal of New Testament Textual Criticism
  • Sept. 2016–Present: Graduiertenkolleg “Dokument–Text–Edition”, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

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